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Management 4 Steel: the advanced steel training project

Italy's leading steel companies are joining forces to create a steel academy and train their future managers. Davide Bearzi, current production manager at SIAT, tells us about his experience.

An advanced training course designed to meet the future challenges facing the steel industry: from sustainability to the pursuit of innovative technologies, from safety to the management of ever-changing markets. These and other topics were addressed by Davide Bearzi during the 12 months of Management 4 Steel.

What was your educational background and what is your role today within the Pittini Group?

I studied mechanical engineering at the University of Udine and then immediately joined the Group as a process technologist at SIAT. Last year, I took over as Production Manager, in charge of the overall chain management from the procurement of raw materials to the shipment of finished products.

What aspects and topics impressed and inspired you the most in the Management 4 Steel higher education course?

Because of my education, my time in the company, and my personal attitude in general, I have always researched and dealt with topics of a technical nature. Management 4 Steel is focused on transversal knowledge and during the project, I was drawn to topics such as “effective communication”, “leadership and team management”, “problem-solving and decision making”. I found these themes very interesting and useful for my new role in the company.

higher education

How important is team collaboration in achieving objectives?

The topics covered in Management 4 Steel, especially those just mentioned, find their main common denominator in teamwork. In my opinion, this factor is fundamental for the involvement of people, to ensure that every team member contributes to the company’s results with determination and motivation, and therefore a strong goal orientation.

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