We produce steel with an electric furnace (EAF) from recycled ferrous materials.
This is the most sustainable and environmentally friendly technology. We have been pursuing the principles of sustainability and circular economy for years, aiming to reduce waste, reduce scrap, correctly manage energy, and use water.
We would like to be main characters of the next ecological transition introducing us as a green company in the steel sector. Our production strategies are oriented towards the reduction of use of raw material and the reintroduction of by-products and eventual scrap in our production processes. In order to achieve these aims, we constantly renovate processes, plants and materials. Be a green company means to us being able to conjugate the production augmentation and the respect and the attention for the environment we live in. Since many years we started a path addressed to the continuous improvement of sustainability of our production. This commitment intensified in the latest years through the research and the development of technologies with a lower impact on the environment.
Here we will tell the story of our corporate responsibility: from environmental investments to the social impact on the territory and communities where our plants are located.
Blog Green@Pittini
The new hot billet transfer system at Ferriere Nord
Blog Green@Pittini
Steel, the most recycled material in the world
Blog Green@Pittini
Not only steel: how the Circular Economy can be pursued even during coffee breaks
Blog Green@Pittini
A digital platform to improve water management
Blog Green@Pittini
The investment in photovoltaic power stations continues
Blog Green@Pittini
SIAT’s ongoing commitment to protecting the environment
Blog Green@Pittini
The Sustainable Steel plan revolutionises Acciaierie di Verona
Blog Green@Pittini
Fume extraction system: an example of emissions management