What has been your career path in Siderpotenza?
I started my journey in 2006 and worked for a long time in the workshop, an experience that allowed me to learn how to use the equipment and, after a period of support on duty, to work on various stations. After a little more than a year, I already felt like an integral part of the structure: in fact, I was paired with the rolling mill Manager of that period and thus had the opportunity to get seriously involved and began to organize the activities of my fellow workers.
A particularly important part of my journey was the months I spent on assignment in the rolling mill in Osoppo. There I had the opportunity to be able to compare my experiences and grow professionally, and I hope it is a chance that many will be able to repeat.
Starting in 2010, I was the Manager of Siderpotenza’s rebars rolling mill, and with the contribution of my staff, I have been able to implement a wide range of technical improvements as well as the standardization of processing methods.
In 2022, I became the Plant Director of Siderpotenza, a position where I experienced a deep change in my professional profile; I gradually learned to serve in a less technical but more managerial role.
How have you seen the company grow in these years?
I have witnessed continuous efficiency improvements at the rolling mill, thanks in part to the constant activity of our people who are contributing to the improvement of our plant every day.
The mill now boasts performance in terms of plant use, energy consumption, and emissions which make it very efficient and sustainable.
Furthermore, I have witnessed at first indirectly, but now more directly, a radical transformation of the steel mill, which has adopted a new fully automated continuous melting furnace, bringing countless benefits in terms of process control, product quality, and environmental impact.
The Group has paid particular attention to all those activities aimed at people, by investing in people with constant training activities, and the tangible actions that have improved the well-being of our employees are also worth highlighting. Over the years, I have assisted in the renovation of the control consoles, the workshops, the warehouse, the canteen, and the locker room. Commitments that really make the individual feel that they are a core resource within the process.
What are your goals today?
My new role requires analysing issues from a different perspective. On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure business continuity, careful efficiency in production facilities, and the safety of our employees, and on the other, to pursue the progressive growth of professional figures, focusing on training and introducing new skills into the structure.