Why we invest in training

Training as a lever for development

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Taking care of people and improving their skills are essential elements for the growth of the entire organisation. The Pittini Group invests in the training of its staff, thanks to the activities of the Group’s Corporate School, Officina Pittini per la Formazione.

The aim has always been to strengthen the know-how within the organisation and also to anticipate future needs in terms of training and professional development.


training hours provided to our staff in 2022


collaborators who were trained in one year


euros invested each year

Staff training

Professional training and refresher courses for all the collaborators of the Pittini Group.

projects people
Special projects

Training and work experience programmes for recent university and high school graduates.

progetto formazione steel training
Opportunities for students

Corporate experiences for students through Transversal Skills and Orientation Programmes (in Italian “Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento” – PCTO), Internships and Advanced Apprenticeships.

opportunità per studenti

The Pittini Group Corporate School is the ideal place to build your skills

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