On August 5 an ambulance donation ceremony was held at the headquarters of the “Santa Maria della Misericordia” University Hospital in Udine, marking a momentous occasion with the donation of an ambulance to the Intensive Care Unit by the Pittini Group. The intensive care vehicle, equipped with the latest generation equipment, will operate throughout the province. It is an ambulance equipped as a mobile resuscitation unit with a photocatalytic system that allows the highest level of salubrity thanks to a modern system of air purification equipped with an electrical system and a lung ventilator of the latest generation. Among other instruments and first aid equipment, there are devices for mobilization and immobilization of trauma and for management of the pediatric trauma as well as a modern stretcher.
“We have at our disposal a cutting-edge model, the best that we can have now – the Asufc Department Director, Amato De Monte, says – It is the first such high-tech ambulance we have for our services in the area.”
This marks the result of a heartfelt desire to give effective support and backing to the relentless work of doctors, nurses, health workers and volunteers who for weeks have fought to save hundreds of lives during the health emergency caused by the coronavirus. The Pittini Group has a long history of solidarity and pays constant attention to strengthening the bond with the local area in which it operates.