Home » The benefits of 4.0 logistics to benefit the city of Verona

The benefits of 4.0 logistics to benefit the city of Verona

ReLOAD is a collaborative research and development project aimed at progressively digitising the management and tracking of vehicles that enter and leave Acciaierie di Verona.

A sustainable and resilient 4.0 logistics programme

ReLOAD (REsilient LOgistics And supply chain Design) is a collaborative project involving 16 companies, service providers, the University of Padua, and the University of Verona, focused on sustainable logistics processes. In detail, at the Acciaierie di Verona plant, software is being developed to plan, manage and track the flow of road vehicles and people entering and leaving the production facilities. The automation of these procedures has an impact inside the plant, by relieving several critical situations, but also outside, by reducing traffic and vehicle emissions.

Environmental, social, and economic sustainability objectives

The necessity of developing intelligent solutions that simplify and streamline the management of the movement of road vehicles and people at the Acciaierie di Verona plant resulted in a major digital transformation of the logistics infrastructure.
The automation process has resulted in a series of improvements for the environment and people: it has been possible to minimise not only the time spent by vehicles inside the plant but also the time spent waiting in queues on the outside, with an important impact on both in-house and city traffic. In fact, by optimising the loading and unloading of goods in the plant, higher levels of service and lower carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere have been achieved.
The automation of operations to monitor the incoming and outgoing flows of vehicles and people reduces the time required and improves the traceability of each item, which in turn boosts safety and reduces the risk of conflicts with customers. It also improves the employment of human resources by maximising work performance. The sum of all these advantages results in substantial cost reductions for the company.

Digital innovation is our solution to market demands

Logistics is an essential factor when assessing the economic impact and competitiveness of a company, which is why the Logistics and Services areas of the Pittini Group are fully committed to examining the reality that surrounds us as well as the requirements of the company’s customers in order to deliver the proper solutions.
The resources of the Pittini Group thanks to the SPIRE-SAIS project are directly invested in the research and development of innovative approaches to improve the existing logistics systems, and therefore contribute to the economical growth of the company.

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